Steffi's Recipes
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Jalebi Sweet Recipe

Written By Angela Steffi on Friday, July 8, 2016 | 10:46:00 AM

Jalebi / Jilebi is a famous sweet all across India and the world. This recipe is for making perfect juicy, crispy jalebis which are going to melt in your mouth. Jalebis are crispy tubes filled with sugar syrup. It can make us extremely addictive and never can control our feeling for this crispy delicious tubes. Jalebi and Janghiri are different ,Jelabis are made from maida while jhangris are made from urad dal.


Preparation Time: 8hrs-overnight
Cooking Time:       30 minutes
Serves:                    3 (15 pieces)

1 cupAll purpose flour / Maida
3 Tbspcorn flour
¾ cup
yogurt / curd
1 cupAll purpose flour / Maida
3 Tbspcorn flour
¼ - ½ cup
¼ Tspbaking powder before frying

Yellow food color

Oil for Frying

For Sugar Syrup
2 cups
1 cupWater

juice of half lemon to prevent sugar Crystallization

Cooking Method

Step 1:
Mix maida , corn flour, curd , ghee , Yellow food color with some water (1/4 - 1/2 cups approximately).The batter should be in a flowing consistency. Set this aside for fermentation for minimum 8 hrs - overnight ,only then we will get crispier jelabis

Step 2:
After 8-12 hours of fermentation add a pinch of baking soda and mix well
Fill the batter into a piping bag or any other plastic bag and make a small hole at the bottom (I have used Ketchup bottle )

Step 3:
To make sugar syrup heat sugar and water and bring to 1/2 to 1 string consistency,if the syrup passes 1 string consistency then the sugar syrup will not penetrate more efficiently and the jalebi  will not be juicy,
To prevent sugar crystallization add lemon juice(you can also use cream of tartar)

Step 4:
Fry the jalebis in oil until crisp,temperature of the oil should be medium ,if it is very low then the jalebis will not turn crispy

Step 5:
Add the fried jalebis immediately into the sugar syrup and dunk it inside for 20 -30 seconds,(sugar syrup should be a little warm)


Enjoy Crispy Jelabis :) Happy Cooking !!!



About Angela Steffi

I am an avid food blogger with a great passion for food. I am always eager to try new recipes and modify recipes and experiment with them. I have two cooking channels on Youtube CLASSIC MASALA HUT (for english recipes) and MADRAS SAMAYAL (for Tamil recipes).


  1. One of the best sweet dish in Asian countries.

  2. Hi in the measurement maida is repeated twice .. What exactly is the measurement

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  4. "Yum! This Jalebi recipe looks delicious and easy to follow. I can't wait to try making this sweet treat at home—thanks for sharing such a delightful recipe!"
